Sanjha Morcha

OROP: Ex-servicemen try to set medals on fire; PM Modi calls notification ‘Diwali gift’

Ex-servicemen dissatisfied by the Modi government’s notification on One Rank One Pension (OROP) reportedly attempted to set their medals on fire in protest on Wednesday.
Several ex-servicemen gatherered at Jantar Mantar in Delhi to set medals on fire but were stopped by other protesters, according to ANI news agency.
The move comes after months of protests by the former members of the armed forces who have demanded parity in the pensions given to officials of one rank regardless of the year of retirement.
The ex-servicemen have lambasted the government notification and have accused the centre of cheating people by calling it an OROP notification.
“What the government has announced is not OROP. It is one rank several pensions,” Maj Gen Satbir Singh (retd), Chairman of the Indian Ex-Servicemen Movement, was quoted as saying by The Hindu.
Many have already returned their medals earned for their service.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who visited air force bases and war memorials in Punjab on Thursday, said that the OROP notification was a ‘Diwali gift’ for the forces.
While addressing Army personnel in Khasa, Modi said that the government has set up a commission to look into complaints and suggestions regarding OROP.

Not all demands can be fulfilled, Parrikar says on OROP issue

Har ek cheez mangte hai, wohi agar satisfy hone laga to kabhi khatam nahi hoga, aur koi kuchh aur mangega (even if all demands are satisfied, someone will ask for something else).
MANOHAR PARRIKAR, Defence minister
NEW DELHI: As ex-servicemen threaten to intensify their stir over their demand for one rank-one pension (OROP) being implemented in a diluted form, defence minister Manohar Parrikar on Monday said that everyone had a right to make a demand in a democracy but not all demands could be fulfilled.
Two days after the government notified the implementation of the OROP scheme, Parrikar said “maximum demands” of the veterans had been met and a judicial commission would look into problems, if any. Veterans, however, said they would continue with their protest and would discuss their strategy at a “maha rally” being organised at Ambala on November 15.
IAF chief Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha said the government had given directions on the OROP and everyone should accept it. The OROP is supposed to guarantee equal pension to military personnel retiring at the same rank with the same length of service, regardless of the date of retirement.The scheme, a 40-year-old demand of military veterans, is expected to benefit three million pensioners. Veterans are planning to return war honours and observe a “black Diwali” to protest against the government’s failure to address their key concerns. The veterans are particularly upset about OROP not being extended to future premature retirees and the proposal to recalculate pensions every five years instead of annually.

According to the government’s calculations, the scheme will require an annual payout in the range of `8,000 crore to `10,000 crore. It will be effective from July 1, 2014, with arrears amounting to anywhere between `10,000 crore and `12,000 crore.



भूतपूर्व सैनिकों ने दी थी चेतावनी


ये थीं पूर्व सैनिकों की मांग, सरकार से ये मिला
हालांकि अधिसूचना जारी होने के बाद पूर्व सैनिकों के आंदोलन का नेतृत्व कर रहे मेजर जनरल सतबीर सिंह (रिटायर्ड) ने कहा कि जिन नियमों के साथ ओआरओपी को लागू किया गया है, उसे स्वीकार नहीं किया जा सकता।
यह वन रैंक वन पेंशन नहीं बल्कि वन रैंक फाइव पेंशन है। मालूम हो कि ओआरओपी को लागू करने की मांग को लेकर पिछले कई महीने से पूर्व सैनिक जंतर-मंतर पर आंदोलन कर रहे हैं।
केंद्र सरकार ने 5 सितंबर को पूर्व सैनिकों के लिए वन रैंक वन पेंशन का ऐलान किया था लेकिन इस योजना के लागू होने में देरी को देखते हुए पूर्व सैनिकों ने शुक्रवार को अपने आंदोलन को और तेज करने, काली दिवाली मनाने और 9 नवंबर से देशभर में अपने मेडलों को लौटाने की घोषणा की थी।

ये थीं पूर्व सैनिकों की मांग
1. वीआरएस लेने वालों को भी मिले फायदा
2. हर साल नहीं तो हर दो साल में हो पेंशन की समीक्षा
3. वर्ष 2013 की अधिकतम पेंशन को आधार माना जाए
4. पांच सदस्यीय न्यायिक आयोग बने और इसमें तीन पूर्व सैनिक हों तथा एक माह में अपनी रिपोर्ट दे
5. पूर्व सैनिक एक अप्रैल 2014 से ओआरओपी को लागू करवाना चाहते थे

सरकार से ये मिला
1. अब से वीआरएस लेने वालों को ओआरओपी का फायदा नहीं
2. हर पांच साल में होगी समीक्षा
3. वर्ष 2013 की औसत पेंशन को आधार माना जाएगा
4. एक सदस्यीय न्यायिक आयोग का गठन और छह महीने में आएगी रिपोर्ट
5. सरकार ने एक जुलाई 2014 से लागू किया

एंड्रॉएड ऐप पर अमर उजाला पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें. अपने फ़ेसबुक पर अमर उजाला की ख़बरें पढ़ना हो तो यहाँ क्लिक करें.


NEW DELHI: Don’t panic if you see “terrorists” firing indiscriminately from assault rifles on Delhi’s streets and commandos rappelling from helicopters on the rooftop of a hotel to rescue “hostages”. This could well be part of an anti-terror drill proposed by the national security adviser to check preparedness of the security agencies.

In view of the looming threat from the Islamic State, NSA Ajit Doval has asked the National Security Guard (NSG) to conduct an exercise, which could help the agencies thwart a Paris-like attack. NSG officers, along with Intelligence Bureau sleuths, met Delhi Police commissioner B S Bassi on Friday to discuss the details of a first-of-its kind drill to be carried out in the capital. Officers from the special cell also attended the meet.

TOI has been reporting on the threat posed by IS and its affiliate groups. Apart from them, movements of Al Qaida’s Indian Wing (AQIS) members were also noticed by the intelligence agencies after the Mali attack.

The first part of the plan involves making an assessment of the gadgetry and weaponry, which will be dispatched to the crisis spot. The second part involves creating a similar situation like Paris and having commandos to foil the “attack”. Fake “shooting” will be carried out at pubs, stadium, aero city and streets chosen by the special cell and IB sleuths, sources said.

In view of the looming threat from the Islamic State, NSA Ajit Doval has asked the National Security Guard (NSG) to conduct an exercise, which could help the agencies thwart a Paris-like attack.

Though Delhi Police carries out similar mock drills at regular intervals, cops are likely to act as secondary units in case of an actual attack. It is the NSG and special weapons and tactic squad (SWAT) teams who will tackle the situation.

While these units carry out drills on their own, they don’t usually do it at places that could become terror targets. Therefore, NSA asked the IB officials to coordinate with NSG and Delhi Police to prepare an detailed action plan and check the preparedness of the commandos.

According to the plan, the shooting and controlled explosion will be carried out at “hot spots” and a team of evaluators will be spread across the venues. These evaluators will keep track of things like the time taken to relay the message to PCR and the police brass about terror strikes.

This will be followed by an assessment of the response time of NSG commandos and SWAT teams.

Once the commandos arrive, their air-drop time and the time taken in entering the affected hotel/stadium and neutralizing the target will be calculated. A central control room will be set up to ensure proper coordination among all units.


NEW DELHI: Indian Air Force (IAF) has taken a step forward to use highway stretches as “landing strips” in an emergency for fighter aircrafts. It has asked National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) to share the details of the plans to upgrade the existing highways or build new ones so that necessary features are incorporated to make certain portions function as “runways” and allow for both landings and take-offs.

Sources said such stretches would be developed in Rajasthan, Gujarat and Punjab on priority basis considering these states share their boundaries with Pakistan. About eight highways have been identified in Rajasthan and Punjab, and it has been suggested that quite a few other stretches can be designed as landing strips.

Following the successful landing of a Mirage-2000 fighter aircraft on the Yamuna Expressway, the IAF in July had written to NHAI citing how the high quality of highways could be used for runways in an emergency, say in case the air force runway is blocked due to any reason. Moreover, such stretches can also be activated for training for such landing and take off in case of exigencies. It has also asked the agencies to share the plans to develop highways in the next 5-10 years.

Officials said that the location of the strips could depend on the distance from IAF base and distance from populated areas. “Ideally, stretches that are being built with cement concrete and have a long straight of at least 4-5 kms can be put to use for such purpose. The plan is to have these provisions while going for major upgradation of highways or building bypasses,” a government official said.

He added that these can be very useful in case of war or to move the aircrafts from the official base to avoid major damage.

The IAF has suggested close coordination among all state government agencies to work out standard operating procedure (SOP) on issues of operationalization of the landing strips during emergencies or for training. It has also circulated a list of factors that need to be considered for developing such stretches.

Modernisation of Indian Army

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The war fighting keep changing due to new ideas; experiences and of course technology. As per majority exponents next war would be more of minds than physical head on combat.
Non state actors having access to dangerous weapon systems and access to high technology are here to stay for sometimes are adding new dimensions and forcing existing defence forces world over to review both tactics and strategy.onventional armies have been blamed, perhaps rightly so, for preparing for the last war. This is due to comfort level of experience; uncertainty about future and of course limited exposure in the field of science and technology as most of it is classified.
New threats on the horizon are non-state actors using nuclear dirty bomb; biological or chemical weapons. It suits their strategy perfectly, human delivery in terms of suicide bombers available in plenty; ease of availability and usage; strikes fear amongst masses and low cost.

Cyber-attack is another extremely but disastrous threat looming large. It has the potential of ruining economies plus interfering with almost all systems using cyber space. Various preventive measures have limited capability and can be breached without too much difficulty.

Space is the next potent and dangerous threat. It has the potential to devastate economy and neutralise most of the command, control, communication, intelligence; surveillance systems and redirect guided weapon systems.

Mind control/perception management/soft power/smart power- calls it whatever one wishes to name it. By controlling huge masses of populace through propaganda; NGOs; doctored reports; aids cum grants- it’s not too difficult to have frustrated population looking for an option for betterment. Once this mass reaches critical stage of opinion forming, it can tilt decision making which may not be best suited due to pressures through seemingly patriotic and vigilant citizens. Implosion/balkanisation would be the outcome of this warfare- Iran and USSR are ripe examples.

India is comparatively more vulnerable due to divisive polity; NGOs; religious conversions; poverty; dynastic and corrupt polity; corrupt, non performing bureaucracy; biased media; delayed justice delivery system and lack of basic amenities and lack of avenues for growth com empowerment. This is manifesting as insurgency in Central India; dissatisfaction in North Eastern India and repeated flare ups due to scarce resources at times engineered.

Threat Spectrum

All these threats capable of hammering the integrity of the nation are beyond conventional and physical boundaries. In fact majority of threat manifestations will be non-border based as other more potent means exist. Hereafter threat management will need to cater for:





Thought- Thought process needs to enlarge from borders to within and without. Threat could manifest anywhere, any time and in varying shapes. Good old ideas of operational seasons; places; weather etc. are comparatively less important.

Mind warfare perception management will be crucial for voluntary support of populace for gaining real time physical intelligence.

Mental Mobility capability to take on varying type of threats without time consuming detailed orientation training needs very high level of training at all times. Commanders will need to be professionally on the go. Leaders need more exposure through courses and research.

Intelligence as always will be the deciding factor to ensure QUALITY of victory. Wins like Kargil where the nation suffered very heavy casualties are not acceptable. It was a command and intelligence failure of grave magnitude.

Strategic Mobility capability to quickly locate troops at the point of decision would be crucial for quick crisis diffusion. Air mobility is essential. Once achieved number of troops could be significantly reduced.

Harmony of Resources

Feeling of exclusivity and treating others as incompetent needs to be shed. Tremendous resources and capability exist with Civil Police and Para Military forces in terms of manpower; equipment, experience and local knowledge. Once integrated with overall plans, could help army to focus on priority threats.

Lean and Mean

Excessive obsession with more manpower implies more power is a fallacy in the modern world warfare. Less in numbers but smart manpower is needed. Go for technology- man mix to deliver optimum results.

Youth vs Experience

There is always a dilemma of having a young army leading to early retirement and host of well-known problems becoming acute in job starved nation. Useful option lies in moving superseded officers and these men into skills needed for new type of warfare as well as manning the supporting services for the defence forces like audit; land management; canteens; MES and of course in Cyber, perception, intelligence, civil affairs, birder area populace, environmental issues and undertaking research on issues of import as deemed appropriate by service HQ etc.

Ministry of Defence

Urgent need for reorganisation due to total mistrust between uniform and civilians. It’s more for inability to understand each other’s functioning methodology and excessive emphasis on paper work rather than speed of decision making. Once done, many problems will fall in line.


Vital interface between the serving and society. Crucial for a genuine feedback on all issues crucial for army. This could help in providing trained manpower if proper mechanism put in place.


It’s near impossible for status quo to organisations to change for variety of reasons. Some of these include power shift; loss of perks; enhanced accountability and mistrust etc. Only way to force a change is laid out by people with no personal agenda and backed by those wielding authority.

Commission of eminent citizens like Ratan Tata chair a commission where in all stake holders give presentation. These include services; DRDO; PSUs, veterans and strategic thinkers.

Commission comes up with a way ahead which is got collective wisdom of all; not troubled with past baggage; no personal agenda thereby ensuring best as required for the nation.

Veterans want OROP for those retd prematurely

NEW DELHI: A delegation of exservicemen on Tuesday met finance minister Arun Jaitley and requested him to extend the benefit of one rank one pension (OROP) scheme to those who had taken premature retirement.
“We gave a memorandum which contained those issues which we feel the notification should have covered,” secretary general of United Front of Ex-Servicemen said. The listed issues include pre-mature retirement and fixing of the benchmark, he said.As per the notification issued on November 7, if someone had taken pre-mature retirement, the person will not be entitled for the benefit of OROP.
“Although we will go to the judicial commission, it is better that the government resolves it” he said.

Lt Colonel injured in encounter with militants in J-K

Srinagar, November 22
A Lt Colonel was today injured in an encounter with militants in Handwara area of north Kashmir’s Kupwara district, officials said.
Security forces had launched a search operation in Bhawan village in Zachaldara area of Handwara last night following information about the presence of militants in the area, a police official said.
The official said a brief exchange of firing took place between the two sides even as reinforcements of security forces were rushed to the area to prevent the militants from escaping.
“An officer of the rank of Lt Colonel has been injured in the encounter in Handwara area of Kupwara today,” an army official said.
He said the officer has been evacuated to the Drugmulla Military Hospital where his condition is said to be “stable”.
This is second incident of an army officer getting hit in an anti-militancy operation in Kashmir within a week.
Colonel Santosh Mahadik was killed in an operation against militants in Kupwara on Wednesday.
The firing resumed this morning and was going on intermittently till reports last came in, the official said. — PTI

Shun differences, unite to fight terror: PM

Kuala Lumpur, November 21
Joint fight against terror and the need for early settlement of territorial and maritime disputes in the South China Sea figured prominently in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s discussions with ASEAN leaders and his counterparts from China and Japan.
The Prime Minister’s emphasis on tackling the scourge of terrorism came even as US President Barack Obama and his Malaysian host Najib Razak vowed today to fight the “evil” and “hateful” ideology unleashed by the Islamic State group, especially in the backdrop of last week’s terror attack in Paris.
Addressing the ASEAN-India Summit here, Modi called for enhancing cooperation with ASEAN to tackle the major global challenge of terrorism.
2015_11$largeimg22_Sunday_2015_015848647galleryTricolour upside down: In an embarrassment for India, the Tricolour was seen hoisted upside down during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s photo-op with Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe before bilateral talks on the sidelines of the ASEAN Summit. “It was an inadvertent mistake in the rush of things. It was unfortunate,” official sources said. Photo: ANI
“Terrorism has emerged as a major global challenge that affects us all here. We have excellent bilateral cooperation with ASEAN members. And, we should see how we can enhance our cooperation at the regional and international level, including through support for adoption of Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism,” he said.
Meeting Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on the sidelines of the Summit, Modi said the two countries should raise their strategic coordination to tackle the threat of terror.
Condemning the recent spurt of terror attacks in Paris and Mali, Modi said the menace of terrorism was the biggest challenge facing humanity.
During the meeting, the Prime Minister said there was a need for the international community to eschew their political differences and unite to face this menace, External Affairs Ministry Spokesman Vikas Swarup told reporters.
Modi said countries should put aside their political differences and come together to help the affected. He said both India and China faced the threat of terrorism and there was a need to increase strategic coordination.
On his part, Li said China was against terrorism and cooperation between the two countries on terrorism would help Asia become more safe.
In his meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Modi discussed key issues like regional connectivity, maritime security and South China Sea disputes.
Modi underlined the need for settling territorial and maritime disputes in the South China Sea through peaceful means.
He suggested evolving specific plans for cooperation with the 10-member grouping in key areas of maritime security, counter-piracy and humanitarian and disaster relief.
“As our rapidly transforming region navigates its way through uncertain times to a peaceful and prosperous future, we look forward to ASEAN leading the way in defining the regional architecture,” said Modi, who is here on a three-day visit to attend the ASEAN-India Summit and East Asia Summit. — PTI

50 years on, rare cross-border bonhomie amid talk of 1965 war

CHANDIGARH: Who won the 1965 Indo-Pak war? Fifty years on, at the launch of former Punjab chief minister Captain Amarinder Singh’s book, it was all about cross-border bonhomie.
getimage (4)(From left) Lt Gen Tajinder Shergill (retd), former chief of army staff Gen VP Malik (retd), Capt Amarinder Singh and former troop leader of Pakistan’s 25 cavalry Major Shamshad Ali Khan (retd) at the launch of the Captain’s book, ‘The Monsoon War’, in Chandigarh on Wednesday.

Present at the launch here on Wednesday was Amarinder’s Pakistani friend Aroosa Alam along with her sister, besides former troop leader of Pakistan’s 25 cavalry Major Shamshad Ali Khan, who livened up the discussion on the Captain’s book, ‘The Monsoon War: Young officers reminisce’, with his anecdotes, criticism and also some rare praise for the Indian army.“I see a lot of love in the audience. If you ask me about the 1965 war, I would say there was no need to fight it,” Khan said. Drawing a comparison between Indian and Pakistani warfare, he said Indian tanks did not move without the infantry, while the Pakistani ones attacked without bothering about the infantry.
“Your (Indian) commanders were more bothered about troop casualties, it was not the consideration in Pakistan. But on some counts, I considered the Indian army’s performance as good. The Indian troop commander took fast action and showed initiative, which is very important during war,” Khan added.
Former chief of army staff Gen Ved Prakash Malik (retd), who was the chief guest at the launch, said the book was very objectively written with details and viewpoints of both sides of the border.
“Who won the war depends on the government’s political aim. The aim was to defend Kashmir, which was achieved. But it is not just during war that the military and political leadership of a country should have a dialogue but also in peace time. The problem continues and I hope it will be sorted out,” Malik said.
Interestingly, with a majority of Congress MLAs turning up for the event, it became a show of strength for the Captain, who is likely to be brought back at the helm of the Punjab Congress.
Despite Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi’s recent show of unity, state party chief Partap Singh Bajwa was not present. As the discussion on the book drew to a close, state Congress Legislature Party leader Sunil Jakhar got up to tell the gathering that the Captain would not be available to write another book till 2022, hinting at the 2017 assembly elections and Amarinder as the next CM. “He can write many more books after that,” Jakhar said amid applause from the audience.