Chandigarh, December 4
A first-of-its-kind project in India, aimed at enabling the defence community to tell their stories to citizens, was launched by a Chandigarh-based publisher at the Military Literature Festival here today.
Christened “Fauji Days,” it is an oral history-chronicling and military publishing initiative that will feature veterans, where they would record their reminiscences, tell their anecdotes and bring to light stories that otherwise largely go untold or remain confined to close families and friends.
Many of these stories would be told by teenagers and young adults who would interview veterans.
The first episode, which was premiered today, featured a candid, unscripted interview of the legendary war disabled officer and India’s first blade runner, Major DP Singh, by Sohraab Singh, a class IX student and NCC cadet at a local school.
Pankaj Punit Singh, who launched the project, said the interviews and archived material would be accessible by the public through a website, which would also have reference material on culture and traditions of the military as well as blogs by eminent veterans and civilians.