I am Anirudh Shidganeh, Research Scholar at IIT Roorkee, Department of Humanities & Social Sciences.
My Grandfather and father were both Ex-Servicemen. This has motivated me to take up the topic of for PhD Research.
Annually, around 60,000 Military Personnel retire from Indian Armed forces. Every Ex-Servicemen experiences changes in their life after retirement in work, financial, family, health and social domains of their life.
The research output will help to empirically document the transition and associated changes experienced by Ex-Servicemen from Indian Armed forces.
The strategies that are helpful can be utilised by other existing and future Ex-Servicemen to become aware and adjust more effectively with the transition changes.
The survey in the Google form link below is an attempt to explore the changes after retirement from the Armed forces , their impact on well-being of Ex-Servicemen and the coping strategies that help or hinder the individual to deal with the transition.
I would be very grateful to you if you could please fill the form. You may share it with other Ex-Servicemen colleagues to help me in data collection for this research on Ex-Servicemen from Indian Armed Forces.
Kindy click on the link below and fill the survey :
https://forms.gle/ Lv63uTi6tGt1PLz57