It was a proud moment for Khera Village to remember Late Major Harbans Singh VSM , a farmer’s son, who was known as true Bengal Sapper and called as SNOW TIGER , instituted a Trophy in his memory and named it as
WAS unveiled by Gill Constituency MLA S. Kuldeep Singh Vaid on 06 Jul 2020 at the Snow Tiger Complex of village Khera.
It was a recognition of his dedicated services, with outstanding determination, Exemplanary courage ,acumenship,technical knowledge cum mechanical knowledge of snow clearing Russian machinery along with his personnel example to his troops kept Leh-Zozilla road ( Supply line) open and kept it cleared from heavy snow during China 1962 war.
Major Harbans Singh VSM S/O S Hardit Singh,Lambardar born on 12 Jan 1919.Completed Matriculation from Malwa Khalsa High School,Ldh. Joined army on 19Nov 1932 as Sepoy in BEG &Centre Roorkee. Got commissioned as officer on 15 Dec1945. He participated in WW-II (Burma), was awarded Burma Star & WW-II medals. In 1961 posted to Ladakh as Major with 653 Engr Plant Coy.
During China War1962, he kept Leh-Zozilla road clear of heavy snow. Working 16 Hrs daily standing in snow that Army personnel’s starting calling him “SNOW TIGER” in Army Circles . He was awarded VSM on 11 Oct 1963 for distinguished, dedicated service during china war. He was the 3rd Bengal Sapper officer who was decorated with VSM.
He was well known mechanical Engineer, written books on maintenance of dozers/caterpillars/cranes, was also known as Master of plant machinery. He dismantled a dozer ,loaded in helicopter, assembled at top of mountain and constructed helipad shows his expertise and mechanical knowledge that even Roorkee University Professors, Army Workshop officer consulted him on Dozer repairs. He repaired Dozers that even Russian delegation came in 1964 to see his repair work on their machinery.
Posted to GREF Centre Roorkee in 1963 and raised Border road pioneer companies. He recruited almost 500 youth of Distt Ldh in army & Border Roads from Vill khera,,Lehra,Poheer,Gagrana,Laltala,Gujarwal,Falewal,Kalar,Siaar,Selon,Batari etc. Still many are alive and remember him.
He was the first Bengal Sapper to carryout Para Jump & completed 21 para Jumps. A good hockey player. An officer with less words and more work. On leave he helped his father in agriculture. A kind hearted personality with vast knowledge of machinery. He left for heavenly abode on 19 Jan 1974.
His sustained hard work of working 16 hours in snow earned the Title “ SNOW TIGER” , from his troops and higher commanders. He was bestowed with VSM on 11 Oct 1963 by President of India His Majesty Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.
It was a great day,brought cheers to the villagers FOR those who had seen and met him in their younger days but tears in the eyes of those who served/seen him during his service days or were recruited into Army or GREF by him.
It was the first time that there were total of 6 sarpanches from the nearby village were present . All were honoured who worked for the betterment and contributed for village upliftment and those who worked against covid to save the village by sanitizing it. A total of 35 Trophies were distributed by MLA Kuldeep Vaid.
It was a proud moment for the sons/ grandsons of Major Harbans Singh.
Two sons Col Charanjit Singh Khera and Col Sharanjit SIngh Khera ( Bengal Sappers) retired as Colonels, One son Bhag SIngh as EEM from Border Roads. One grand son Col Sukhvinder SIngh Khera ( Bombay Sappers) retired as Colonel and second grandson Col Navshinder SIngh ( Bengal Sappers) still serving . A family of Sappers and Mechanical/Electrical Engineers. Third generation still serving.
GOG Distt Head Ludhiana’s Col HS Khalon Vrc and Major Harbanslal , Tehsil head Gill along with GOG sector area incharge H/Capt Syam Singh were present on the occasion
Col charanjit singh Khera S/O Maj Harbans Singh and Col Sukhvinder Singh Khera grandson of Maj Harbans Singh were