Sanjha Morcha

MAJ GEN SATBIR MUST LEARN FROM Gurdaspur Lok Sabha Elections , Message for Military Leadership?


Its a high time Maj Gen Satbir to stop his Claim as  the only Messiah for OROP and State Govt King Maker during elections. He has forgotten that  majority of ESM from all over India Participated in the initial agitation to give it a concrete momentum along with contribution of  hard earned money  to make it a success but Maj Gen Satbir has no love lost for anyone except his own Balle Balle.  It was by default that Mr Natish became the CM of Bihar not any miracle done by Maj Gen Satbir Singh  as Claimed by him with his collar high.

He himself  w2as never  on a firm footing  to support which  Political Party.  A wavy mindset to chose AAP/BJP/Congress/Akali. Where does  he stand now with his Fauji Janta Party (FJP) as a creator and Patron of the same.  Where is he now for Gujarat and Himachal State elections and his followers. ESM came to  Jantar Mantar as all organisation of ESM big or small joined the agitation , and all weree efefcted ,its not Satbir Leadership or his personality which attracted ESM fro all over India . Maj Gen Satbir seeing donation coming in lakhs which  commutative in crores , he took the lead as usual and as per his personality traits and slowly and steady isolated himself from all other ESM organisations along with his ever green team and took over the central stage.

He has prolonged the agitation and stretched too far that non of the Govt agencies at any level including Top brass of Services  wants to discuss  any issue regarding OROP with him . He himself need to be blamed for his isolation and today he wants MahaRally of ESM  at Janatr Mantar on 29 Oct 2017.  Further he has damaged the cause of agitation by giving a  political angle to the whole agitation .He is now holding on to JM for sake of self pride as  he has no way to get out from Jantar Mantar Now, which will be his personal defeat..

In Punjab also he just came to Jallander in  Feb a month before elections  afyter his negotiations with APP and Akali’s failed he wanted to cash on Congress seeing the wave of public and ESM . At Rally and did not allow Capt Amarinder to speak to the ESM and convert the Jallander rally to Jantar Mantar  Slogans “ SADA HAQ ATHE RAKH”

The latest fiddle was his  support APP candidate of his equivalent rank during Gurdaspur By Elections, totally overlooking the fact that now ESM know s what he wants . He wants A Rajiya sabha Seat , which is the only point he gave to Capt Amaninder Singh else or other 12 points had been included in the Congress manifesto handed over by Sanjha Morcha and discussed at length during a meeting with S.Manpreet Badal ,Lt Gen TS Sher Gill,Lt Gen Jasbir Singh Dhaliwal,Maj Gen SPS Grewal, Brig JS Jaswal,Brig Indermohan Singh,Col Bhag Singh,Col Ranjit Singh Boparai and Col Charanjit Singh. The points he gave were the repetition of Points after knowing what points Sanjha Morcha has given from its  Gen Secy.

Political fall out from Gurdaspur Lok Sabha polls , BJP and AAP can burn the midnight oil to find out cause/s of their dismal performance.
 What concerns is the OUTRIGHT rejection of TWO STAR MILITARY OFFICER supported by Maj Gen Satbir,Col SS Sohi,Col MS Bajwa,Col Rangi ,Brig Harwant Singh, Brig KS Khalon, in a constituency having nearly quarter million military personnel and their families as eligible voters.
Gurdaspur Lok Sabha constituency comprises of following nine Vidhan Sabha constituencies:-
·         Batala
·         Bhoa
·         Dera Baba Nanak
·         Dina Nagar
·         Fatehgarh Churian
·         Gurdaspur
·         Pathankot
·         Qadian
·         Sujanpur
During  official visit to Gurdaspur to attend the ex servicemen rally in 2004,the  percentage of families had a person in Military in every  village.  One of the  ESM  said “Sahab ye poncho ki kis gharan mein FAUJI UNIFORM nahi tangi hai”.
Without getting into the digital storm by quoting figures, it would suffice to mention that ex-servicemen and serving population in this constituency could be as high as quarter million (2.5 lakh) in 2017.
It was around 1.98 lakh in 2004. Figures quoted should be viewed with around 10% deviation either way.
What is astonishing about the election results is the skewed manner of voting without bringing political affiliations into the picture. Political candidate Sunil Jakhar (I call him a political candidate because he is son of Late Balram Jakhar) received nearly 63% of the votes polled (0.51 mn out of 0.83mn), Businessman candidate Swaran Singh received 38% of the votes polled (0.31 mn out of 0.83 mn). Military candidate (a Two Star Officer) received a mere 2.7% votes (23,579 out of 0.83 mn, losing his deposit) in a constituency ‘INFESTED’ with ex-servicemen (mostly soldiers) and their family.
Military Leadership must look at the result seriously. 
Is it a vote of ‘NO TRUST’ in Military leadership by the Soldiers?  so is the Case of Maj Gen Satbir Singh agitation stands and his support to APP candidate Stood.  ,
Serving military officers, perhaps, need to take note. Does an outright rejection of a TWO STAR officer convey something? who lost without a  grace.. Earlier Gen JJ Singh tried his luck at Patiala and result was both have landed up as “JAMANT JABHAT” Is there a need for self introspection by Senior Military Leadership?
Maj Gen Satbir trying to call Maha Rally at Janatar Mantar on 29 Oct 2017 must look within  himself /introspection how many ESM will  join him. He  own his own have isolated from the major ESM community except ESM from Arty/Gunners. God bless him in his efforts as he has no welfare plan for ESM or their families nor he ever visited any of the Martyr Families of JCO’ and OR’s or announced any momentary help from the crores he received in donations at Jantar Mantar in Cash and by Cheque and from abroad transferred in personal accounts as alleged by ESM fro abroad.
  Still time for Maj Gen Satbir to leave the Janatr Mantr Gracefully , to safe Guard his balance credit-ability as he will not be able to regain his lost Glory anymore.
  Last but not the least he should think off how to get the medals back from the Govt, approx 25000, belonging to ESM from all over India, BUT he is the last man to do it, as he got what he wanted terms of collection of donations in Crores.