Sanjha Morcha


.The procedure for getting registered with RODRA for downloading your E-PPO. AS UNDER.
fIRST STEP find whether your E-PPO is ready or not with RODRA. For that go to Google and type Rodra. It will show some links for Rodra. The top link is Rodra. Click on that. It will take you the main page of RODRA. Go to More on the menu. Click on More.

You will be shown three sub-menus. Top is 7th CPC E-PPP. Click on that. It you to another page. Enter your service no without suffix and enter Catchpa. It will tell you whether your E-PPO is generated and if generated it will your E-PPO No. Then you have to register with RODRA to get your E-PPO. The three steps to down load your E-PPO in case your E-PPO is ready with RODRA are given below.
FIRST STEP register with RODRA to download E-PPO. Go to Google. Type Rodra. It will take you to first Rodra link. Click on that. You will be taken to main page of RODRA. Click on SignUp. You will see a lady with white clothes with her son and another lady receiving an award from HE President of India. It will ask you certain basic data about you. Enter all the data. Click on Submit. You will get OTP on your mobile. You will be asked to enter user id (service No) and password. Kindly note down your password (your must first write it down in a note book ) and then only enter it. Once it is done, you are registered.
Second Step. Go to Login. You will see a Lt Col of Rajput Regt saluting. Enter your user id i.e. service and your selected password. It will take you to another page.
Third Step: You go to top of menu and at the right side you see Downloads. Click on that and at the top you will find the E-PPO. Click on that and download E-PPO. Store it in your computer. Capture the photo of your E-PPO on your computer screen with your mobile. Take 5 to 10 copies of E-PPOs and keep them in a file titled Pension / SPARSH and place that file in a brief case.
If you feel you are NOT confident to register and get E-PPO from RODRA, then call on 94931 91380. TO register on RODRA. Select your own Password. When I ask you to give me the OTP in your mobile, do kindly give me. You have to be online with me in the phone for 5 to 10 mins. Then I will get you registered in RODRA and get your E-PPO after registering in just five to max 10 mins.
Then I will forward your E-PPO.
I am sure you are quite capable to down load your E-PPO.
warm regards,

Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd)