Sanjha Morcha

Gathering support India must build a consensus to counter Chinese aggression

Gathering support

The world has taken note of the increasing Chinese adventurism in India. The questioning of Chinese incursions by a US official after the recent talks between US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Chinese Communist Party Politburo member Yang Jiechi indicates support for India as well as widespread concern about the aggressive stance adopted by China recently. By drawing attention to the Chinese misadventure of 2015, as well as recent unreasonable postures adopted by Beijing in Hong Kong and the South China Sea, the US has ratcheted up the pressure on China.

Diplomacy is a gentle art, one that involves careful considerations and calibrated incremental advancements. It does not go well with jingoistic nationalism, as Beijing has found out recently by antagonising many of the nations it seeks close business ties with. India needs to seize the diplomatic initiative. A logical step is to build a joint position with other countries which have been affected by Beijing’s ‘wolf diplomacy’. Indeed, this is time to fortify the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue between the United States, Japan, Australia, and India. There are common concerns, and the need for a coordinated effort to blunt the Chinese edge is undeniable. Even as New Delhi maintains peaceful coexistence with Beijing, there is growing awareness about the neighbour’s sticky fingers in what is, in myriad ways, an Indian bulwark.

The Indian diplomats have their work cut out before them. They must build a consensus among allies, including Russia, to counter Chinese expansionism. And they have a formidable arsenal at their disposal — truth — and access to a wide variety of fora, including the UN Security Council, where India has just been elected a member. India has shown excessive restraint in matters traditionally confined to the Chinese sphere of influence. When borders are violated and soldiers killed, a rethink is in order. We need a more proactive approach and strong alliances.