*Advisory For Veterans*
With the Number of Deaths of Pensioners, I have got lot of Calls from different Cities about Spouses of Deceased Officers being put to lot of inconvenience for the Family Pension.
Procedure in case of Joint Account has become so simple but Banks due to their lack of concern and ignorance cause harassment to the Spouses.
*I am attaching below the unnecessary issues raised by Banks and proposed reply by the Spouse of deceased officer.*
Callers have subsequently confirmed the Banks have fallen in line and Family Pension started soon after production of Death Certificate by Corporation / Municipality. Only for One Case, I was asked to clarify to the Bank Officer.
*Advisory For Veterans*
Bank of the Pensioner
Action by your Branch is in absolute contradiction of Government Orders, as regards documents to be completed by way of life certificate, non-marriage certificate, non-earning certificate.
Yout Attention is drawn to Government of India, Min of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension, Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare Office Memorandum (OM) No. 12/4/2020-P&W(C)-6300 dated 15 May 2020, sent to CMDs of all Pension Disbursing Banks and again reproduced in PCDA (P) Circular 213, addressed to all CPPCs of PS Banks. Specific points are as under:-
*Submission of Documents.* As per Para (ii) of OM *only Death Certificate is required to be submitted by Spouse in event of Joint Account with Pensioner.* It is the responsibility of the Bank to identify the Family Pensioner based on information available in PPO and its own “Know Your Customer” Procedure.
*Submission of Non-Earning Certificate.* This is not applicable for spouse – Para (vi) of OM.
*Submission of Declaration of Marriage.*
This is not applicable to Spouse – Para (vii) of OM.
*Requirement of Life Certificate.*
This is an annual feature and is to be submitted as required in November 2021- Para (viii) of OM refers.
Please take immediate action to credit Family Pension and refund income tax recovered in interim on account of pension to my husband.
*Government OM dated 15 May 2020 quoted above is attached.*
*My Request*
Please take print out of Govt OM and keep the same with your Pension documents.
Brig Mohinder Mahajan
Answering a Query Raised
*Enhanced Rate of OFP( Ordinary Family Pension) is 50 % of last drawn RE ( Reckonable Emoluments) for a period of 7 years from the date of death or till the offr would have attained the age of 67 years had he been alive, whichever is earlier*
*This is Very Important,*
*eg If an Officer dies at the age of 56 and only 2* *years after Retirement, then Family Pension for next 7 years ie till age 63 will be same as that Officer was drawing.*
Brig Mohinder Mahajan